Spain is such a beautiful country. The influence of the Moors can be seen everywhere. Córdoba, Spain was once considered the Intellectual Center of the World with over 1 million manuscripts. The Moors were tolerant of Christians and Jews allowing them to practice their own religions. When the Christians conquered Spain, they expelled the Jews… Continue reading Al Ándalus
Tag: tari federer
Granada Spain
Granada, Spain is the most beautiful place I have ever visited. The Alhambra Palace, in the Mocárabes Style of architecture, is beauty beyond description. It is harmony in its truest form. I will always wonder what Spain and the world would have been like, had the Christians not expelled the Islamic people and burned the… Continue reading Granada Spain
Hewn Timber Cabins
These hewn cabins, which were built by slaves for slaves, are located at Francis Marion University. They are open once a month. The times and dates are located on the university calendar. They are beautifully preserved.
Tintypes with a Traveling Darkroom
What a wonderful trip! Julie Mixon, Photograph Professor at Francis Marion University, organized a great trip to Ocracoke Island, NC. We built a traveling dark room, used a large format 4×5 camera, and processed great imagery on site. It was an incredible learning experience.